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Why Naturopathy

The Health Mentor
  Tracie  LaLone 
Holistic Health and Nutrition


Meet Your Health Mentor

I am a passionate nature lover who embraces God's beautiful creation. I grew up on the lakeshore in western Michigan and it is not uncommon to see me at the beach in the summer, nature hiking in the fall, and bike riding, enjoying the pure Michigan breeze.
My natural healing journey began 15 years ago when I endured  a series of health crises that affected the quality of my life. I was dealing with one health issue after another and found myself in a perpetual uphill battle. I began to feel hopeless as I lost faith in the medical establishment and it prompted a turning point in my life. My spiritual connection started to align and I was led to seek out alternative approaches to healing. I learned that there was a gentler and more effective way to address and recover from chronic disease. I discovered that it wasn't just about managing disease but actually healing from disease. As my eyes were opened and I stepped out of  conventional indoctrination, I leaned on faith moving forward. God held my hand along the way, showing me how His seeds of the earth and natural nonabrasive treatments would change my life. This path has planted a deep compassion within me for others who suffer from illness. My personal journey has stirred up a desire to help others with their health concerns.  I graduated from Blue Heron Academy as a board recognized Holistic Health Practitioner, Clinical Nutritionist, and Herbalist. I assure you that I will spare no effort in mentoring you to good health.
-- Tracie LaLone HHP
Meet Tracie

 Natural Healing Can Help You

There are no limits to the wide range of areas that natural protocols can heal. 

Here are a few...

Natural Herbs

Bring digestion back to a balanced state with nutrients and natural protocols. 


Alleviate fatigue safely and effectively with nutrients, gentle herbs, self nourishment, and simple lifestyle modification.  


Softly and gradually detox the organs and the body to robust health.

Hormone Balancing

Using the proper provisions we are able to prompt the body to balance it's own hormones  originally intended by nature. 

  Weight Loss

Results by learning the proper foods to eat, stimulating metabolism, soft cleansing, and natural balancing.


Replenish the mind, body, and soul. Cope and adapt to stress acquiring relaxation without the use of pharmaceuticals.


"Going through cancer, Tracie was an integral part of my healing, formulating a diet-supplement program to support my immune system. She helped me stay positive to fight & win the cancer battle! I will forever be grateful for her help and support."

— Melissa Brown




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